Jan 22, 2024
What is theology? How did the theological methods of Karl Barth and Fr. Karl Rahner differ from the scholastics and neo-scholastics? What is a mystery and what is its role in theology? Can theology make progress and how does that work? Fr. Thomas Joseph White O.P. joins the show to discuss...
Jan 14, 2024
Is the God of the Old Testament a vindictive bully? What should we think about the dochotomy often presented between the angry Old Testament God and the loving New Testament God? How can we respond to Bible difficulties concerning violence and Ancient Israelite warfare? Prof. Paul Copan joins us to discuss these topics...
Jan 7, 2024
What does Lumen Gentium 8 teach about the nature of the Church? Does its teaching contradict the traditional view that Christ's Church is identical to the Catholic Church? How ought we to understand the language of "subsists in" and who suggested this language? Dr. Chris Malloy rejoins the podcast to tackle...