Sep 22, 2023
Is Genesis the most important book of the Bible? Why think so?
How can we understand the text that seems to be in conflict with
science? Does God's command for Abraham to sacrifice Isaac mean
that God is immoral? How does the Old Testament point forward to
New Covenant realities?
We discuss these topics with Steve Ray...
Sep 12, 2023
What is intelligent design (ID)? Should Catholics promote it?
Does it fall into simplistic God-of-the-gaps thinking or is it
creationism in disguise? What should we think about the fact that
the three most recent popes have endorsed evolution? Dr. Jay
Richards joins us to discuss these topics.
The Classical...
Sep 2, 2023
Is the Old Testament actually true? Why read the Old Testament when we have the New Testament? Doesn't the Old Testament endorse polygamy and slavery? Can we still defend Mosaic authorship of the Pentateuch? Dr. Jeffrey Morrow is back on the show to dive into these topics.