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Classical Theism Podcast

Aug 31, 2022

Who was Balthasar and why is he an important 20th-century theologian? What did he teach about Christ's descent to hell? What good do we find in his theology? Why are some of his ideas problematic? Did he hold to a doctrine of divine impassibility? Dr. Joshua Brotherton joins us to discuss these topics.

The Classical...

Aug 29, 2022

Does evolution conflict with Christianity? How does the thought of Benedict XVI help us navigate the questions concerning evolution? How should we interpret the creation accounts in the Bible? Why are these issues so pressing in our day? Dr. Matthew Ramage joins us to discuss these topics.

The Classical Theism Podcast...

Aug 24, 2022

Does classical theism have a principled advantage over Oppy's naturalism? Why think there is only one first cause? Do arguments in favor of God's unity conflict with Trinitarianism? Enric Gel joins us to discuss these topics.

The Classical Theism Podcast aims to defend Catholic Christian ideas in conversation. With the...

Aug 22, 2022

What is the strong view of divine immutability that Karlo is defending in his doctoral dissertation? How can we analyze the famous Matthew 16:18 passage and identify "the rock"? Does Revelation 12 lend support to Catholic belief in the bodily assumption of Mary? Karlo Broussard joins the podcast to discuss these topics...

Aug 17, 2022

In this latest edition of office hours, Pat and John sit down to present some of their recent research. They discuss three topics: 1) that composite things need a cause, 2) Catholic views on Adam and Eve, and 3) a new take on the problem of evil. Pat Flynn advances sophisticated arguments for an ancient principle that...