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Classical Theism Podcast

Feb 26, 2022

Why were many baptisms recently deemed invalid? Isn't the Church being legalistic to say the sacrament hangs on the mere change of one word? Isn't this just a silly teaching? Dr. Lawrence Feingold joins us to explain and unpack the Church's theology of baptism and to answer questions about the "I" vs. "We" issue.


Feb 24, 2022

Was justification understood as an exclusively legal term up until Augustine's time? Did St. Augustine mistakenly translate justification because he did not know Greek? Is there evidence in the early Church that justification can be understood in transformational as well as legally? Dr. Matthew J. Thomas joins us to...

Feb 22, 2022

Will the Catholic Church ever change some of its fundamental teachings? How did the Church change its messaging and posture after Vatican II? Is the doctrine of Hell still a teaching of the Church? How should Catholics think about universalism, annihilationism, and hopeful universalism? What do we make of the idea that...

Feb 15, 2022

How does theism fare against atheism in terms of the theoretical virtue of simplicity? Why should simpler theories be privileged? How does Kenny Pearce respond to Graham Oppy in their recent debate book? Is the fine-tuning argument relevant in these debates? Pat Flynn & Jim Madden join the show for an office hours...

Feb 7, 2022

Can we truly claim the early Church was Catholic? Did major doctrines develop over time? Is there sufficient evidence that Christians of the earliest centuries actually held to Catholic beliefs? Don't several statements in the Didache, Tertullian, and others count against the Catholic position? Joe Heschmeyer joins...