May 31, 2021
Why did 20th-century theologians argue that God must suffer? Why do many traditional theologians think that God does not suffer? How should we understand divine impassibility in light of the Incarnation? What does it mean that God is "not really related" to creatures? Fr. Thomas Weinandy joins us to discuss these...
May 24, 2021
What did Fr. Garrigou mean by saying perfections are "formally and eminently" in God? What other distinctions do Thomists typically make when discussing the divine nature? How would Fr. Garrigou defend the principle of finality against a Humean skeptic? Dr. Matthew Minerd joins the show to discuss several essays...
May 17, 2021
Who was Joseph Kleutgen? Why is his writing helpful for a correct understanding of Vatican I? What are the different levels of magisterial teaching as well as the different levels of assent they are owed? How should we understand the term "ordinary magisterium"? Did St. John Paul II teach infallibly when he said the...
May 10, 2021
What are "divine attributes"? How can we divide up talk about God into three categories of "names"? What are some key principles to keep in mind about negative names? How should we think about positive names? Why is this important for Classical Theism? What are examples of relative names? Ryan Hurd joins the show again...
May 4, 2021
What is the Kalam cosmological argument? How useful is it as an argument for God's existence? What is the scientific evidence in favor of the crucial premise? What are the philosophical arguments for the crucial premise? Why doesn't Jimmy think the philosophical arguments work? What philosophical view of time is most...