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Classical Theism Podcast

Mar 29, 2021

What did St. Paul mean when he said men are justified by faith apart from "works of the law"? How did early Christians understand this phrase? What should we think about the differences between St. Jerome and St. Augustine on the meaning of this phrase? Is the discussion of "works of law" relevant to interpreting Romans...

Mar 22, 2021

What is the nature of the Church Christ founded? What are some biblical arguments for the papacy? How do both Jewish and non-Catholic sources support a Catholic interpretation of the first-century evidence? Suan Sonna joins us to defend the Papacy as an essential element of the Church Christ founded.

The Classical...

Mar 12, 2021

What is divine simplicity? What are some of the motivations for it? Who are some teachers that Pat has found helpful when researching this doctrine? How can classical theists respond to common objections from 1) multiple properties, 2) modal collapse, 3) contingent knowledge, and 4) the Trinity? Pat Flynn joins us...

Mar 8, 2021

What are some different readings of the Third Way? How can the Third Way still be defended? How can we respond to common objections against the Third Way? What did various Thomists think of the argument? Where does the De Ente reasoning come in? Karlo Broussard joins us to discuss these questions and more.

The Classical...

Mar 3, 2021

What are various ethical theories philosophers discuss? How does the Frege-Geach problem relate to moral realism? How does Simon Blackburn's quasi-realism aim to avoid the Frege-Geach problem? Moreover, what problems does Blackburn's account face? Joseph Beauchamp joins us to take on these questions and more.
