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Classical Theism Podcast

Aug 31, 2020

Who are some of the most important thinkers of the past when it comes to arguing for God's existence? Should we use the term "proofs" when describing arguments for God? How does Jesus' Resurrection fit into Catholic apologetics? How did neo-scholastic and nouvelle theologie writers differ in their approach to...

Aug 24, 2020

Pat Flynn joins the podcast again to present his 5-step argument for God's existence. In his new eBook How to Think About God, he lays out a philosophical case for the God of classical theism. In this episode, he explains several steps of his argument and defends it against objections.

The Classical Theism Podcast aims...

Aug 17, 2020

Who was Fr. Herbert McCabe? Which teachers has the most profound influence on him? What did he emphasize when it came to philosophy and natural theology? What did he think about God and evil? Where should one begin when reading his work? Dr. Franco Manni joins me to answer these questions and more as we discuss his new...

Aug 12, 2020

Where does St. Thomas teach about the Trinity? What is the distinction between dogmatics and systematics when it comes to theology? Why is the so-called psychological analogy the highest analogy for St. Thomas? What Scripture does St. Thomas cite in his discussions of the Trinity? Ryan Hurd joins us to answer these...

Aug 10, 2020

Are there any successful philosophical arguments against the infinite past? St. Thomas Aquinas did not think so. Nonetheless, several contemporary philosophers have produced new paradoxes and arguments of which Aquinas was not aware. In this episode, Wade Tisthammer presents his "Eternal Society Paradox."

The Classical...