Jan 27, 2020
What are some of the best arguments for God's existence? Dr. Robert Koons just taught an entire graduate seminar on natural theology and joins us for the recap. In this episode, we discuss cosmological arguments, Augustinian-style arguments, and epistemological arguments. Along the way, I press Dr. Koons with various...
Jan 20, 2020
How does Pascal's Wager work? Should people find it persuasive or is it merely an attempt at evangelistic manipulation? How does one answer the "Many God's" objection and the intellectual dishonesty objections? Dr. Michael Rota updates the wager and argues that it succeeds in motivating commitment to a devout Christian...
Jan 13, 2020
Does modern science contradict the historicity of Adam and Eve? What scientific stands in tension with the biblical narrative? Dr. Joshua Swamidass joins the show to discuss his fascinating new book: The Genealogical Adam and Eve. After the show, I lay out some options and implications for Catholic Christians and...
Jan 6, 2020
Are there any arguments for divine simplicity that don't depend on Aristotelian or neo-platonic metaphysical principles? Chance Juliano answers in the affirmative. In this episode, he walks us through the argument in his master's thesis that creation ex nihilo requires divine simplicity.
The Classical Theism Podcast...