Nov 17, 2019
Why take Jesus seriously when there are so many religious figures one could follow? What specific prophecies did Jesus actually fulfill and how do we know this wasn't just forged? Also, if Jesus is so great then why didn't he condemn slavery? Catholic evangelist Michael Gormley joins us to tackle these questions on the...
Nov 11, 2019
Dr. Mike Licona joins the podcast to defend the historicity of Jesus' resurrection from the dead. He defends a set of "minimal facts" and offers the resurrection as the best explanation of those facts. Along the way, I ask Dr. Licona for clarification and push back with objections. He brings great content and...
Nov 4, 2019
This episode is two parts. 1) A conversation on Gary Michuta's show about What is Classical Theism and Why Should We Hold to It? 2) A bonus conversation with Dr. James Dolezal about Scriptural Support for Classical Theism. He discusses Revelation 4:11, Acts 14:15, Acts 17, and John 1:3.
The Classical Theism Podcast aims...